You read that right: we sold our house in Austin, Texas to travel full time in our converted Ford Transit camper van! I’m so dang excited! I keep pinching myself to make sure it’s not all just a dream.

Sketching at our campsite in Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico. Photo by Jason Spangler.

I started a blog over on Substack and I’d love it if you followed along on my adventures — no make that adVANtures! I publish a weekly newsletter filled with tales from our travels, too!

I’ve been having so much fun nature journaling our travels, especially finally having time to study TREES! I think I’m finally getting the hang of them. Here are 2 of my latest ones:

To find out more about the art supplies I use in the van, check out this post over at Art Toolkit!

As always, just let me know in the comments below if you have any questions! — Lisa


Charlene · August 7, 2024 at 9:08 pm

Where can I get the red “X” band you use to hold your palette and sketchbook together? Thanks!

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